angle of application中文什么意思

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  1. From the angle of application , sometimes if s hard to find the comparable uncontrolled transaction , and the application is somewhat difficult
  2. By the result of these experiments , acoustic emission ( ae ) was chosen to use in the research . at the same time , we analyse the phenomenon of acoustic emission at the base of theory , the characteristic signal of acoustic emission which comes from the faulty bearing at the angle of application , and the expression of the characteristic signal . contrast was also made on the data achieved separately from vibrational signal and ae signal , and it is proved that ae is feasible and available to the diagnosis to the fault of the rolling bearing
  3. Caronni presented the conception of " digital watermark " in 1993 firstly . [ 8 - 11 ] in order to transfer digital watermarking skill from theoretic to reality , this article researches it from the angle of application . we apply agent , zero - knowledge proof into the area of digital watermarking , and try to construct feasible and integrated digital watermarking system
    为了将数字水印技术由理论变为现实,本文从实际应用的角度出发,从三个方面对数字水印进行了研究,将agent 、零知识证明等应用于数字水印领域,并借鉴目前较为成熟的密码学和pki ca建设经验,尝试构建可行的完备数字水印系统的方法。


  1. angle of amplitude 什么意思
  2. angle of anterior carina 什么意思
  3. angle of anterior chamber 什么意思
  4. angle of aperture 什么意思
  5. angle of apparent internal friction 什么意思
  6. angle of approach 什么意思
  7. angle of approach at future position 什么意思
  8. angle of approach at present position 什么意思
  9. angle of approach indicator 什么意思
  10. angle of approach light 什么意思



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